Grade 4-9

Designed for your child

Can you imagine if your child’s school designed a learning path with them in mind? We can! And we have. Our experienced teaching team have thoughtfully designed an academic programme built on current best practices in education to maximise the online learning experience for each child that attends Koa.

This is more than just school-on-a-screen! Koa’s unique approach was created to be native to the online space. Our focus on high engagement ensures that your child has the academic and socio-emotional support that they need to grow and thrive.

The Academics

Let’s start with the pointy end; the academics. We leverage the full potential of the online space by sourcing the best content and platforms from around the world. The children can access these independently, following a personalised daily timetable. Take a moment to think about what that means for your child… Want them to be taught by the world’s best Math teacher? Done. Want them to spend more time on one subject than another? Done. Want them to have rigorous daily academic support at their pace and not the teacher’s? Done. And that’s just the start!

For grades 4-9, our teaching team has designed a threefold approach to the subject matter. Each day, the children work through Build, Engage and Enrich.

Grades 4-9 at Koa Academy

Build: Math and Languages

Math, English, Afrikaans and isiZulu are covered on comprehensive platforms which have been specifically designed for the online space, with immediate and ongoing feedback.

Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 Online at Koa Academy!

Engage: Content Subjects

Our approach to Science, Technology, Creative Arts, History, Geography and EMS goes beyond rote memorisation and is all about engaging our children with real-world problems, equipping them with resources, and then letting them roll up their sleeves and apply their understanding.

Our innovative program for Grade 4-9

Enrich: Co-curricular

As they explore and discover their own personal interests, we will offer a suite of enrichment options from around the world to engage and encourage each child’s personal passions, to help them to steer towards a career that brings them both joy and a paycheck.

Contact Time

We see great value in teaching our children to be self disciplined and independent. But they also need support! That’s why our programme has regular contact time with the teacher, in small groups and one-on-one. When? Every single day. This is not support on some vague ‘as and when needed’ basis. This is prioritised as part of our daily rhythm and ensures that your child has the academic support they need, whether to identify and work through their challenges, or to recognise and spur on their strengths.

There are three types of regular contact time: Pod Connect, Check-in and Teacher Time.

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Pod Connect: Soft Skills

The Pod of 8 meet together and the teacher guides them through activities which are designed to develop soft skills, foster emotional intelligence and build meaningful relationships.


Check-in: Academic Progress

The teacher meets with small groups of no more than 4 at a time to focus on one particular aspect of the academic programme. This is when children may present work or get feedback from their teacher.

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Teacher Time: Subject Support

Need extra support? No problem - this is built into the plan from the start! The teacher is available every day in half-hour bookable slots for one-on-one academic support to work through specific challenges in any subject.

 Your Next Steps

Take a moment to read up about our pricing structure, then why not head over to our application page!


 How it Works

Signing up with Koa is a simple process. But do you want to know in more detail how online schooling at Koa works in terms of the Department of Education? Here’s a quick explainer on the accreditation process.

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The Engage Expo’s

Each quarter boasts one major Engage project, called an Expo. These Expo’s each have a specific theme. At the end of each Expo, the children will have an opportunity to present their work live online to our Expo guest judges at Demo Day. These guests are real-world experts in their field.

Let’s take a closer look at the Expo’s for 2021…

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Quarter 1: The Science Expo

Our young scientists will help the United Nations in their quest to achieve their 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. They will use the Design Process to create a real-world solution for a real-world problem.

Our Demo Day guest judge is Ernest Manhenga, a physicist and educator who has a passion for seeing young people develop a love for the Sciences. He has experience as a convener of judges for the Cape Town Science Expo in the Physics and Astronomy section.

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Quarter 2: The Business Expo

This quarter is all about developing our young entrepreneurs. Starting with a real-world need, our children will develop a business model, test a minimum viable product, and pitch their ideas to a real-life investor.

Our Demo Day guest judge is the educator, writer, keynote speaker and gender-lens angel investor Lelemba Phiri. She is the Principal at the Africa Trust Group that takes a holistic approach to investing in early stage women. Lelemba was named in 2014 as one of Africa’s most influential women in business.

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Quarter 3: The Arts Expo

Our children get creative as they explore ways to express ideas through the Arts, whether it is through music, images, story telling or more. Artistic expression comes in many forms - from oil paintings to poetry, from music to Minecraft!

Our Demo Day guest judge is internationally acclaimed musician, Majozi. Hailing from sunny Durban, Majozi is refreshingly sincere and crafts heartfelt songs that artfully portray his uplifting perspective on the world around him. His debut full length album, “Fire” includes the #1 single Breathing. In 2017, Majozi also received a SAMA nomination for Best Adult Contemporary Album.

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Quarter 4: The Community Expo

We end the year by focusing on our communities around us. Whether these are physical or virtual, we explore ways in which we can be agents for positive change in our world.

Our Demo Day guest judge is Cayley Green. She is the Head of Ministry for the Western Cape Government Ministry of Finance and Economic Opportunities. In this role, Cayley’s work spans across government, business and industry. Previously, as a Senior Resilience Analyst in the City of Cape Town, Cayley was responsible for the development of Cape Town's first ever Resilience Strategy.

 Fast Facts

A typical daily schedule runs for 4-5 hours depending on the age.

The teacher spends 1-1,5 hours of contact time with your child each day.

Children work through the subjects at their own pace.

The learner and teacher set academic targets each week.

For those who live close to friends, we encourage work-style ‘playdates’.

Children learn how to use tools and practice skills which they will use in real life.

Digital citizenship is integrated into all our learning.

Parents are given ongoing feedback as well as bi-annual reports.

Parents get to set daily routines as well as your own holiday dates.

Parents have the right to use as much or little of what we offer.